Family Fitness Night – Feb. 15
Ms. K has been working with our school nurse Mary Sykes, and school counselor Jennifer
Greenstein to provide a variety of activities and informational booths! They would love to have you join them for an evening of fun, fitness, and health as you explore the different ways you and your family can lead a safer, healthier, and holistic lifestyle. This is a night for family fun and engagement!
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Date: 2/15/18
Location: Alki Elementary
***Please RSVP below to let them know if you will be attending. Also specify if you are attending the First Aid or the Emergency preparedness or both. If you attend the First Aid presentation, you will be given a small First Aid kit to take home!***
There are also a few spots where you can sign up to volunteer as well.