Looking for a Roots Of Empathy Instructor for This Year
Become a Roots of Empathy Instructor!
The Roots of Empathy organization is proud to be a part of the Seattle community, now beginning its
13th year of partnership with local elementary schools. Roots of Empathy is looking for volunteers
who are interested in training this fall as Roots of Empathy Instructors.
What is Roots of Empathy?
Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program that has shown a significant effect in
reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and
increasing empathy. Two decades of independent international research has proven the lasting impact
of the program. Children who participate are more likely to help others, to share, and to be inclusive of
their peers. Occurrences of exclusion, teasing, and other forms of aggression significantly decrease.
Here is a brief introductory video that explains how Roots of Empathy works and why a baby is such a
powerful teacher of empathy.
And, this 4-minute video, filmed and published by the BBC, takes you inside a Roots of Empathy
classroom – you can hear from the students about their experiences as well as more about the
philosophy behind Roots of Empathy from the program founder, Mary Gordon.
The Role of the Volunteer Instructor
Roots of Empathy trains volunteer Instructors from the community to deliver the program to
elementary school children. At the heart of the program are a volunteer parent and infant from the
community. It is the role of the Roots of Empathy Instructor to guide the students; observation of the
baby and to work in harmony with the volunteer parent and classroom teacher in order to bring Roots
of Empathy to life in the classroom. Instructors visit the same classroom 27 times over the school year,
about once per week beginning in the fall, and lead lessons that are approximately 40 minutes each.
Roots of Empathy offers training and certification and provides volunteers all the support that is needed
to help children discover their shared humanity through the observation of a baby and parent, and
through curriculum activities that develop social and emotional literacy. It is a very rewarding
experience – you can see the changes in the students over the year.
Would you like to volunteer as a Roots of Empathy Instructor?
Instructors receive four days of intensive training from certified trainers: 3 consecutive days of training
are scheduled for October 16th – 18th, 2019. These training days prepare volunteers for their role in the
classroom and one additional day is scheduled mid-year. There is lots of support from Roots of Empathy
during the school year – on-going guidance on best practices by Roots of Empathy Mentors ensures
Instructors are qualified, confident, and supported.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Melissa Soltani, Roots of Empathy Program
Manager at msoltani@rootsofempathy.org.