Alki Family Math Night
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 (5:30 – 7:30 PM)
Alki PTA invites our families to support our student’s love for math (and pizza!). Enjoy refreshments, make friends, and meet Alki families as you play alongside your child’s friends and peers. We know they can’t wait to showcase their mathematical minds and earn your praises. Everyone spins a giant wheel and wins a door prize at the end of the event.
Family Math Nights are perfect examples of meaningful family engagements. They provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they are learning in school while gaining confidence from hearing your praises and positive feedback. These reasons are why we want everyone engaged with their kiddos at the event. We are looking for creative ways to find volunteers to host the game tables. Please email Mel Spiker,, with creative out-of-the-box ways to fill this need. An older brother or sister (Alki Alums) can both reminisce “when they were young” and earn Service Learning hour credits to meet graduation requirements.
In the meantime, leading up to the event, we offer the following online resources that model ways we can encourage students to think with their mathematical mindset during everyday routines.
- Early Math Collaborative provides a website with a variety of videos and lesson ideas to improve math instruction for young children.
- Mixing in Math offers parents, caregivers, afterschool providers, librarians, and teachers resources to mix math into everything they do with children.
- Ready Rosie offers videos that show parents and caregivers how to model math in their everyday routines.
- Speakaboos offers interactive storybooks with mathematical themes.