April 1, 2020 PTA Meeting ONLINE!

Join us for a virtual general membership meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM via Zoom.



April 1, 2020 Alki PTA Virtual General Membership Agenda*

Roll Call: Please type your name, Email and note if you are a PTA Member or not in the chat field.  Have new business? Type that in the chat field as well!

Call to Order

New Business/Reports:

  • Update to Standing Rules: Electronic Voting
    • These are unprecedented times.  To ensure that Alki PTA is able accomplish the business of Officer Elections before the end of year, we propose adding the following wording to Alki PTA’s Standing Rules:
      • Voting for officers or nominating committee positions may take place at a meeting or by electronic transmission.  If voting takes place by electronic transmission the WSPTA Electronic Voting Policy and Procedure will be followed. 
  • Budget Committee Report
    • Budget Process Recap, including the coordination between the School, PTA, and the actions of the Budget Committee
    • Summary of budget related actions during the last few PTA meetings
    • Current state 2019-2020 financials and bank account balances
    • 2020 – 2021 Budget Presentation: 1) Pre-COVID19 Budget, 2) Budget Option A, and 3) Budget Option B
    • Questions.  If time does not allow, please direct your questions here  or email Nicole at treasurer@alkipta.com and a budget committee member will respond.  Questions/answers and additional information will also be posted on Alkipta.com
  • Principal/Staff Q & A
    • Principal Deese and Alki Staff will be available to answer questions, as time allows.  Please put questions in the comments for follow up later.


*These are unprecedented times and we are doing our best.  It is important to us that the meeting is informational and productive.  We will try our best to cover all of these topics, share information, allow everyone to be heard, and answer questions.  If time does not allow everyone’s questions to be answered, you can submit a questions to the Budget Committee by clicking here.  Questions and answers will be posted (anonymously) on our website as well.



Zoom FAQ:


Q: Do I need a Zoom Account to participate?

A: Anyone can join a meeting using the Zoom mobile apps or desktop applications for Windows and Mac without signing in.


Q: How do I join a meeting?

  • Connect by computer:
  1. You will receive an email meeting invitation (Coming soon!). Contained within the body of the email (or on your calendar) is a Zoom meeting invitation.
  2. To connect by computer, select the meeting URL which should automatically launch the meeting.
  3. This will open your computer’s default web browser. You will be prompted to “allow” the Zoom app > select “allow.”
  4. Select “computer audio” and then you’re connected to your meeting via audio and video.
  • Connect by phone:
  1. Dial the phone number listed next to Dial: in your invitation.
  2. Once connected, enter the meeting ID (no spaces) when prompted. The meeting ID is the 9-digit number listed in the line below the phone number, and is also the number at the end of the meeting URL. Each Zoom meeting has a unique meeting ID.
  3. You’re joined by audio/phone to the meeting.
  • Connect by mobile device:
  1. You will need to install the Zoom app in order to connect by smartphone.
  2. Once the Zoom app is open you can choose to sign in or join a meeting.
  3. Selecting Join a Meeting will prompt you to enter the meeting ID of the meeting you are trying to join.


How to join a meeting (1 minute video)