SALE EXTENDED: 2021 Student Art Calendar
Grandma needs this and you do too. Help keep your family appointments and distance learning schedules organized with this 2021 monthly calendar featuring beautiful artistic creations from almost all of our students at Alki Elementary.
Each month features themed student art created during Ms. Dilley’s virtual art class, printed on high-quality thick paper and spiral bound. Each purchase supports all students at Alki Elementary!
View the calendar at
On sale now while supplies last!
PICKUP INFO: Local no-contact drive-thru festive pickup on Friday, Dec. 18th or delivery option within West Seattle. If you would prefer a different pickup time, just email us and we can arrange it (
“Not that you asked, but I am buying one for each person in my home. They fit so well in stockings and pair perfectly with a dreidel. Best of all, this beautiful calendar relieves me from my duty as the family secretary. They think it’s a gift for them, but you and I both know it’s really a gift for me, and that’s definitely something I’ll holiday cheer about.”
– Local (VERY) busy mother of two