May Education Challenge

You are invited to learn with the Alki PTA! 

In June, the Alki PTA made a resolution to increase education for families on how to be antiracist and become an ally.  The resources below are a starting point, as each person has a different knowledge base, as well as a different amount of time to focus on antiracist education.  The options below provide a range from adding an account to follow on your Instagram feed, reading a book for yourself or to your child, delving into art, listening to a podcast or supporting a black owned bookstore.  Please choose something from this list or educate yourself in other ways throughout this month.  You can add your learning, questions, and comments about these works on the Padlet.  Remember that all commentary must follow the Alki Way: Always be responsible, Let kindness be your guide, Keep yourself and others safe, Inspire respect and pride.

Thank you,

Davina Dilley, Alki Advocacy Chair


FILM & DISCUSSION: “Keepers Of Nations –The Power Of Women Of African Descent”


Eloquent Rage A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower 

by Brittney C. Cooper

Use the Seattle Public Library link to download a free audiobook or ebook!


Podcast: Not Racist is Not Enough: Putting in the Work to be Anti-Racist


Seattle Culture and Local History (Seattle Public Library web page)


Children’s Books


Family Video: PBS KIDS TALK ABOUT RACE AND RACISM (28 minutes)



Lo Harris

Instagram Handle: @loharris_art

Medium: Digital

Inspiration: Gratitude, self-love and celebrations of friendship and femininity

Goal: To create joy for others and inspire them to feel a sense of gratitude for being alive and well-loved.


Arts and Culture

Black Women in Visual Art