June Alki PTA Membership Meeting and Volunteer Recognition
Meeting Zoom Link can be found in Alki eNews.
Here is what is on the agenda so far:
- View the proposed 2021/2022 Alki PTA Budget. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Alki PTA Treasurer Sean Meckley at treasurer@alkipta.com.
- View the Nominating Committee’s recommendations for next year’s Board HERE. the 2021/2022 Board Executive Board Members will be voted in during June’s Membership meeting.
- Community Concerns re Schmitz Park stairway proposed for SW Stevens
- National PTA “Mental Health Summit” – Alki being featured to present ways we have responded to the pandemic to create a healthy environment for our school community
- Announcing Golden Acorn Award and volunteer recognition
What is the Golden Acorn? The Golden Acorn is awarded to a person who has given exemplary volunteer service to children and youth in our school community. This is an excellent way to honor PTA members for their contributions to our association, the school, and the community.