Direct Give 2022-23
We’ve raised $2,265 of our $10,500 goal! You can make a difference by donating today to Alki PTA to provide support and opportunities for all Alki seagulls to thrive. Alki Elementary PTA has supported our families, school, and community and is looking forward to the same this school year. Alki Elementary PTA is grateful to be a part of the West Seattle and Alki communities, and we continuously strive to support our community’s students.
Alki Elementary PTA depends on fundraising to support our Alki students, families, educators, and school programming. While Alki Elementary PTA has historically funded school support staff, Covid-relief funds have relieved us from that financial hurdle and enabled us to direct our fundraising efforts toward more enriching endeavors.
Our mission is simple: Alki PTA’s mission is to support an engaged community that partners with our school to advocate for every child. This school year, our fundraising efforts directly impact all PTA initiatives, including:
- School-wide engagement activities that include assemblies, yearbooks, recess equipment and staff and grade-level field trips
- After-school enrichment programs and financial assistance for any families interested
- Teacher appreciation, support, and partnership throughout the year
- Family and Community events and programming that support our mission
While we have made great strides, Alki PTA still has much to accomplish. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us achieve our mission and hit our fundraising goal of $10,500? With your donation, we’re one step closer to realizing our vision! If you want to know of other opportunities we offer to make an impact; please contact us at fundraising(at)alkipta(dot)com.
Alki Elementary PTA thanks you for supporting our local school community.
With love and deepest gratitude,
Alki Elementary PTA