Whether you are a policy buff or new to the issues, I hope you’ll find the information here relevant, actionable, and easy to understand. Students across Seattle are counting on us. Let’s work together to stay informed and advocate on behalf of kids, schools, and all communities. Together we can make a difference!
-Vanessa Longacre-Wilcox, Advocacy Chair
Useful Links:
This week, starting on April 1 st the Legislature will be debating Education Funding Bills. The Senate and the House each have their own versions. I highly recommend going to the Washington State PTA Blog and checking out the comparison write up on these Bills: https://www.wastatepta.org/2019-legislative-session-week-12/
- https://www.wastatepta.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-End-of-Session-Report-WSPTA.pdf
- It is easy and quick to find phone numbers and emails for your representative here: http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/
- Sign up for action alerts to help support the below issues throughout the legislative session: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/subscribe-to-wsptas-action-network-group
Recent Articles by our Advocacy Chair can be found here.