Chinook Book
Don’t have the Chinook Book App yet? Tap the link below from your phone to purchase your $15 Chinook Book app subscription and you’ll enjoy a whole year of savings at local, sustainable places you love like Bakery Nouveau, Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe and Meeples Games. Plus! Your subscription will continue to benefit our fundraiser year after year as long as we continue to fundraise with Chinook Book.
Already have the app? First make sure you have updated to the most recent version of the app. Then tap the link below. It will redirect you to the App Store. Tap “open” and it will take you directly to the pay
ment page with our partner id already loaded in so your purchase will benefit our fundraiser. Ready?
Tap here from your phone to purchase your Chinook Book mobile app subscription and benefit our fundraiser:
Don’t have email on your phone? Don’t worry! Just go to to download the app. Go to the “Purchase Full Access” screen on the “More” menu to pay for your subscription and enter the Partner ID “alkielementary” to have your purchase benefit the fundraiser.