Here is a list of free resources and suggestions to help continue learning at home during the school closures. More will be added daily.
Principal Deese’s Academic Resources:
Ms. Iba’s Library Collections (Video, books, games and more) Destiny Discovery (Free for all Alki Students): Contact your teacher or Principal Deese for your log in information.
Seattle Public Schools Online Student Resources (PebbleGo, TumbleBooks):
Scholastic Learn at Home Resource:
Khan Academy (nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere):
National Geographic Educational Resource Library
TEDed Lessons (Two separate sections — one for kids, and one for educators, with teacher-created lessons.)
Tinkerlab (Art Lessons, ideas and science experiments) (Hands on Science resource for ideas and and free STEM lesson plans) (Practice your phonics skills with read-along stories and games)
Raz-Kids (Free for Alki Students. Details coming soon)
Have suggestions? email to
We know that this is going to cause extreme hardship on many of you. Your needs may be ranging from basic supplies, food, childcare, and much more! If you and your family are in need, please reach out to Principal Deese directly at In collaboration with our PTA and other supportive organizations, Alki Elementary will work to get you the help you need! There is already a list of parents who want to help with childcare and continued learning opportunities.