Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Please join us as we form two Walking School Buses:

Genesee Hill Start: Corner of SW Andover Street and 55th Ave SW at 7:10 am. Route: 1.1 mile to Alki Elementary along Spokane Street and 61st Avenue (see Genesee Hill map).

Admiral Start: Corner of SW Waite Street and SW Admiral Way at 7:10 am. Route: 1.0 mile to Alki Elementary along Admiral Way (see Admiral map). Join us at either start or along the way.

We’ll arrive at the school by 7:40 am and meet up in the cafeteria for some healthy snacks and fun incentive items (stickers, etc.) Other students and families who walked their own routes should feel free to join us. Please have one adult for every group of three children that will join our Walking School Buses.

Please contact Bryan Fiedorczyk @ bryan.fiedor@gmail.com or 206-397-9124 for more information.

View maps here:

Admiral WTSD Map

Genesee Hill WTSD Map

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Can you come early and help set up the cafeteria for the arriving students that morning (set out provided snacks and fun incentive items?) Contact Bryan to sign up! bryan.fiedor@gmail.com or 206-397-9124 or sign up on Sign Up Genius.  Thank you – This wouldn’t happen without volunteers like you!