We Need Your Yearbook Photos by May 5th!

LAST CALL for inclusion in the Alki Yearbook!

We Need Your Photos: Have fun pictures of Alki students at school, on vacation, practicing an instrument or a sport or anything you would like to be a part of the yearbook?

Please send them to yearbook@alkipta.com by May 5th



Yearbook Cover – Student Art

We are excited to bring back student art for the cover of our yearbook! There is no contest and all submissions will be included if these simple rules are followed:

1. Art to describe our theme of “Alki Seagulls soaring to new places”. This can include art of our school building, Alki beach, Seymour the seagulls, whales, or anything else that draws inspiration from that theme.

2. Please do not have any writing on your art. We will include on title on the cover in text font.

3. Please use 8.5 x 11 paper or smaller

4. Any medium can be used but art must be 2D (flat on the paper)

5. And of course, it needs to be appropriate.

Please submit art in the box in the office by May 12. Questions? yearbook@alkipta.com



Order your yearbook now through May 15, 2023! It’s $15. ORDER HERE

The 2022-2023 Alki Elementary yearbook is a full-color book of special memories of students and staff.  Order your copy now through May 15, 2023! The books will be shipped to the school and distributed during the end of the school year celebrations.