THANK YOU, Volunteers!

Another school year down, felt like yesterday was the first day of school, and we are so incredibly thankful for our Seagull Community. A few thank yous are in order as we close our this school year:

To Principal Skeffington and ALL staff members, thank you for leading our children and your dedication to our school.

To our 2022-2023 PTA Board, thank you for your time and dedication. Everything we do is to support our students and school community.

Our mission is to support an engaged community that partners with our school to advocate for every child and we couldn’t do this without our SCHOOL COMMUNITY! Thank you parents, guardians, friends, and everyone involved with Alki Elementary. We are here for you and our children and appreciate your support.

Because of our engaged community, we were able to bring the following to Alki Elementary this year (this is a taste of what we did this year, we’re excited for another fun-filled year next school year!):


  • School Supply Kits for all students and fulfilling all Staff Wishlist Items
  • Summer-time Flocking, it was a squawking good time!
  • Popsicle Social to kick off the school year meeting friends old and new
  • Dine Outs monthly with Community Partners: Good Society, Ounces, Chipotle, MOD Pizza, Dream Dinners, and Krispy Kreme (to name a few)
  • Alki’s Very Own Pumpkin Patch and Back to School BBQ
  • Enrichment – our Enrichment Committee worked so hard to bring such an amazing variety of enrichment classes to Alki!
  • Reflections Art Program – Thank you Lindsay Yost for your continued leadership to facilitate this program at Alki!
  • Monthly Staff Lounge snacks and raffle prizes for staff. Thank you Justine Berk and Anni Mizuta for organizing this throughout the year
  • Annual Pie Sale with Remlinger Farms
  • Our Winter Giving Garland to spread love to Alki Families
  • It was back and in person, on our very own Alki stage; The Claw: A New Children’s Musical. Thank you Amy Cooper, the Musical Committee, and all the volunteers for making this a historic musical for Alki Elementary!
  • Free Little Library: This community resource was a staple outside of school and maintained by the PTA
  • Alki Online Auction – it was really the final countdown and we appreciate Gabby Potts, Justine Berk, and everyone who was involved making our online auction a success!
  • 5th Grade Camp: What a special time for our 5th graders. Thank you to the staff and parents who chaperoned.
  • March Math Madness Pi Day Celebration: Thank you to the FACE Committee and Alki Staff for putting together a wonderful evening of math and community…the pizza and pie were delicious too!
  • Free Monthly Movie Streaming for Alki Families, thank you the the Events Committee for sharing this resource with our community
  • Staff Appreciation Week: We sure do love our staff and couldn’t have pulled off such a great week of showering appreciation without the efforts from the Staff Appreciation Committee
  • PTA Movie Night – we hope to do more of these, it was so fun to come together for a movie night at school!
  • Bike to School Day, Bike Rodeo – thank you to Bryan Fiedorczyk for bringing our community together with these fun events year after year!
  • Disco Dance Party, a first for Alki! Thank you to Rena Cunningham and Heather Brincko for putting together such a fun night out for our students and Josh Brincko for holding it down on the ones and twos
  • Alki Day at the Mariner’s – thank you to Ashley Clingan for putting together an amazing day for our community to come together and cheer on our Mariner’s!
  • Yearbooks for ALL, thank you to our Yearbook Committee for another beautiful yearbook and ensuring this is a sustainable initiative where every student receives a yearbook at school
  • The Alki-a-thon just wrapped up but it is one of our favorite events of the year! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this event a smashing success and a fun day for our students.
  • Goodbye Alki Event, we opened our doors to our community and said one last goodbye to our Alki building. Thank you to the volunteers who hosted this evening, printed archived photos of our school, and welcomed so many alumni into our halls one last time.
  • Our Annual School grant funds student wide support such as: hourly staff, spiritwear shirts for all students, birthday pencils, 5th Grade Camp, assembly enrichment, grade-level discretionary funds, grade level field trip funds, principal discretionary funds, and so much more!

Thank you for a wonderful year of community, engagement, and creating memories with our school community. We hope everyone has a safe summer and we will see you next school year! To stay connected over the summer, please join our Private Alki Seagull Facebook Group to coordinate beach play dates, grade level meetups, anything!

If you are interested in learning how you can be involved with any of these events or initiatives next year, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Email or and we’ll get you connected on how you can be involved as much (or as little) as you want.