September Alki PTA General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to attend. Zoom Link can be found in Tuesday’s Alki eNews email.  If you did not receive it, please email or subscribe at

Please join us as we discuss the following topics:

  1. PTA Overview
  2. Advocacy Report
  3. Volunteer Opportunities
  4. PTA Calendar
    • Wellness Wednesdays
    • Parent 2 Parent
  5. Fundraising in 2020/2021
  6. Legislative Proposal “Educational Video” (5 minutes)
  7. PTA Membership Update
  8. Motion to add school supply class packs to the budget**
  9. Open Forum and Feedback on Remote Learning
  10. New Business from the Floor (5 minutes)


** Please note that only current Alki PTA members can vote during meetings.  Have you joined or renewed your PTA membership for this year?  Please visit