Family First Friday: Tech Talk
Trend Micro Handouts:
Our Trend Micro Internet safety expert shared interesting and really timely information about our kids’ online lives, and we will all learn a lot about protecting their privacy, balancing screen time and other challenges that come along with remote learning, among other things.
All of the handouts, FAQs, and other resources are available online. So whether you were a part of our Tech Talk event or weren’t able to make it, you can download all of the helpful information at
The materials cover the subjects we will discuss and then some:
Our kids might know more about digital life than we do—but working together, we can make sure they grow up to be strong digital citizens who make good choices online!
Friday, December 4, 2020
6:00- 7:00 PM
RSVP at and the Zoom Link will be emailed to you prior to this Free Virtual event hosted by the Alki PTA Family & Engagement Committee and Trend Micro.
Texting, livestreaming, TikTok, Fortnite. Technology is changing fast, and many of us are struggling to stay one step ahead of our kids and learn everything we can about being online. (Not an easy task when most of them know more about it than we do!)
Join us for a virtual Family Tech Talk presentation with an Internet safety expert from Trend Micro, who will share the latest trends, give advice on how to help your child use the Internet responsibly, and answer parent questions in a Q&A session. The Zoom event will be on Friday, December 4th at 6:00PM.
We’ll discuss what our children are doing online—and how to teach them to be smart, safe, and respectful digital citizens.